Hi Everybody !
This is my first opportunity to visit with you all. Internet is difficult, so far. I hope everybody is doing well. Today is Saturday.
After leaving Seattle, we got on a flight to Seoul Korea. The 11 hour flight was very good, just too long! We decided to be adventuresome and took a bus to the hotel. It was about an hour and twenty minutes but gave us a chance to see the countryside. Everything is very green and lush right now because this is the end of their rainy season. You probably saw in the newspaper last week that they had some serious flooding. We didn't see any evidence of it on our day there.
Our hotel was located in a very new location called Time Square which was fashioned after Time Square, N.Y. It was a Marriott Courtyard and was very nice. This will be the nicest place we will stay and we enjoyed it because we had been up for 25 hrs. They put us on the executive floor so we had easy free access to coffee, water as well as snacks. Breakfast was also included in our room. We had several hours and spent it walking around and going through the mall. We saw a couple fresh fruit markets as well as flower markets. It was a little challenging because no one speaks English! All of the signs and everything are in Korean. It does force you to use your other senses to figure things out. The whole time we were there, even in the Mall we didn't see even one other light skinned American. We found that interesting.
Last night we flew (7 hours) to Bali. It was another good flight, although we had heard that some previous flights were very rough. The hotel is very pleasant. It reminds me of hotels I have stayed in in Mexico and Antiqua. We saw a Starbucks on our way here last night and we are going there when I finish this post:) The coffee at breakfast left a little to be desired :) The hotel offers a free shuttle to the shopping area. We will be staying at this location, in Kuta, tonight and then will be moving to another hotel in Lavina, closer to the build site tomorrow.
The rest of our team will be arriving today and tomorrow. This is going to be such a fabulous experience! I am anxious to meet the other women and to get started on the build.
Hugs and love to my family and friends, especially Emma Grace, Drew, Bri and Carisa. Hope all is well at home and I will be talking to you again soon.
Love, Linda :)
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